The Essential Property Search & Acquisition Service

Property sellers are employing the best marketing experts and salespeople to secure them the highest prices from buyers.

So why shouldn't you equip yourself with the best London knowledge and advice, to ensure you find the perfect home, you pay the right price and you don't waste countless hours chasing shadows?

I will always be your sole point of contact at anytime.

I work for no more than three active clients at one time.

This service is usually cost neutral.


Find the perfect property and save time, money and stress.

Searching for and buying a property can obviously be done by anyone.

However, more buyers now realise it can be much more productive, easier, safer and more cost-effective with a seasoned property expert on their side.

This clear and comprehensive service is often self-funding from the substantial savings made when negotiating and buying a property.

With over 20 years professional property experience of searching, buying and selling property and land throughout London, I know how to find the hidden gems. I understand the system, the problems and pitfalls, but also the treasures and off market dream homes not privy to general buyers.

Knowing where to look and how to access those special off-line and off-market properties, along with a solid understanding of market values and trends, can often save buyers a small fortune and help secure the best possible home at an optimum price. 

Whether you are non-London based, time restricted, hampered by lack of choice or you simply want the expert help of a seasoned professional, I will take the strain, filter the chaff, find you your perfect home or investment and handle all aspects of this sometimes laborious and quirky process.....and usually save you many times the fee.

Click here to see what my Clients say.